Our Mission
Being a therapist and a mother, it has been a long time dream of mine to create a safe space to share ideas on parenting and emotional intelligence, as well as to provide more resources for parents and educators. More specifically, I am passionate about cognitive-behavioral therapy and its application for children. I feel inspired to teach people how to recognize that their thoughts instigate feelings, feelings engage behaviors, behaviors form habits, habits shape the moral character, and the moral character determines the type of person you are and who you will become.
It is our highest calling to parent and nurture children, leading them to be healthy, productive and contented little beings. At times it can be overwhelming but there is wisdom to be found if you wholeheartedly search for truth. It is my goal to simplify the searching process for you by providing resources and tools right at your fingertips. Please join me on this parenting journey of learning how to carefully guide and direct our sweet children in such a chaotic world. Come just as you are and stay a little while. My thoughts and prayers are with you as we work together NURTURING CHARACTERS.
~Krystin Henley
Meet the Author:
Krystin is a licensed Marriage & Family Therapist by training, but more importantly, she is a wife to a loving husband and a mother to four precious souls. Since 2008, she has enjoyed working in a variety of clinical settings including outpatient therapy, school systems, inpatient psychiatric facilities, juvenile hall, etc. In 2013, she began an exciting collaboration with Dr. Neil Nedley as a contract cognitive-behavioral therapist for his Depression and Anxiety Recovery Program in Weimar, CA (for more information check out our Partners page or click here). She immensely enjoyed working alongside his team, participating in a couple of programs per year while balancing being a stay at home mom. She disclosed, "In 2014 we welcomed our life-changing, first born daughter, Amelia. Seventeen months later Clara surprised everyone with an early arrival and our hearts burst with more joy. Just when we felt life couldn’t get any sweeter, we added another precious girl, Ava, to our clan in 2018 and finally, our only boy, in October of 2021. We are thrilled with gratitude to the Lord for His bountiful blessings." Currently, Krystin works from home nurturing those sweet little kiddos along with juggling speaking engagements and a small caseload of clients. She is passionate about promoting ways to boost emotional intelligence in kids and has authored a children’s book, Millie and Her Tangled Thoughts. Her family is very content in their Washington home where they love spending time together in God's creation, gleaning the local orchards and floating the nearby rivers.
““Commit your works to the LORD, And your thoughts will be established.” ~Proverbs 16:3 ”
Topics of interest
Book reviews and recommendations
Cognitive Behavior Therapy
Emotional Intelligence
Emotion coaching
Parenting tips
Strengthening marriages and relationships
Biblical application of family life
Frontal lobe enhancement
Betrayal Trauma Recovery
*My resources page will direct you to books, workbooks, games and tools for both adults and children pertaining to these topics of interest. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.
Banner photo credit: Quino Al