You may not be able to choose your automatic thought but you can choose which thoughts you want to dwell on.
When you first become aware of your low mood or that sinking feeling, ask “what am I saying to myself?” Most likely it’s a quick negative or destructive thought that if repeated over and over, will turn into a belief. Those destructive thoughts will only continue to hurt you and could eventually sink you into a depressive or anxious state.
Instead practice realistic, truthful and helpful thoughts that can keep you afloat such as:
“This is hard but I can handle it.”
“I may not feel it’s my best but there’s still some good in it.”
“Just because I messed up one time doesn’t mean I’m a failure.”
“I can’t do it all and that’s okay!”
Practicing these thoughts will help you float through the day even with rough waters. The more you practice, the smoother it gets.
Who knows, at some point, you might even find yourself sailing. 💫
pc Docteur Dylan Cozian