“Mommy! I’m getting SO BIG!” My three, almost four year old comes bounding in the room thrilled with the prospect of growth. “I wanna check on the wooden thing to see how tall I am.” Measuring herself against the growth chart has become quite the ritual lately. What is it about kids and their burning desire to grow up so fast? As adults we get to a certain age and try to hide our hard earned wrinkles, minimize birthday celebrations and shy away from any remote signs of growth.
There is a type of growing that doesn’t involve height, waist expansion or the accumulation of wrinkles. It’s called internal growth. We understand the concept in theory but as soon as it applies to our lives we often try to run from the challenge and trial, fearing failure and change. I believe, for some of us, it is in our DNA to not want to feel uncomfortable or out of our comfort zone. Hiding behind comfort feels safe but you are limiting your potential for growth. The only way to strengthen a muscle is to work it, break it down, pushing past its comfort. This is the same path our characters must pass through when we want them to grow. Wouldn’t it be nice to have the same zeal as a toddler when it comes to wanting our characters to get bigger and grow?
Fear is a major element in holding us back from feeling brave, stepping out in faith and being bold. Internal thoughts could include: “What if it’s not good enough?” “What if someone criticizes me or my work?” “What if they find my insecurity and reveal the very thing I fear; that I have no business doing what I’m doing since I’m not that good?” “What if I fail?” These internal thoughts only fuel our fears and snuff out our dreams even before we try.
Mark Twain in his wisdom said, “Courage is not the absence of fear; it is acting in spite of it.” If only we could realize our true value and worth, we would be reminded that God’s opinion of us carries more weight than any human sentiment. God knows our potential. He’s not suspicious of our “good enough”, another’s criticism, our personal insecurities or fears. Whether or not it is our business “being brave” in our endeavor He makes it His business to be involved and invested. And when we fail, He promises to be right there, not leaving or forsaking us.
In His Holy word He assures us,
“Be strong and of good courage, do not fear nor be afraid of them; for the Lord your God, He is the One who goes with you. He will not leave you nor forsake you. And the Lord, He is the One who goes before you. He will be with you, He will not leave you nor forsake you; do not fear nor be dismayed.” Deuteronomy 31: 6, 8 (NKJV)
He only asks that we step out in faith; having faith just as small as a mustard seed. Whether it’s a new home business venture you have embarked on, a job change, an unsettled feeling of a questionable purpose, a precious newborn who has joined your life, a sick loved one you cannot heal, a panic over a probable, feared outcome you have no control over, a hidden dream you are quietly bringing to the surface, an aspiration that has been rejected, a slew of "no"s after so many hopes of "yes"s, a new adventure or in my case, the launch of this website (entering into the world of blogging and trembling in fear knowing I’m neither a writer nor an editor); no matter what the circumstance, you need to take that prayerful leap of faith and choose to rely on Him despite the courage you may lack.
Recently, I heard JJ Heller’s song, Braver Still and was moved by her words:
I never saw it coming There was no way to prepare The world kept spinning 'round me And left me standing there And it's okay to grieve A life that could not be I'm trying to believe In something better
Even if the dreams I had turned into dust There's no wreckage that's too broken to rebuild The world is just as scary as I thought it was But your love makes me braver still Your love makes me braver
I spent my whole life running Trying to find a place to rest Why did it take a wound like this To let you hold me to your chest? Now I can hear you breathe You're singing over me You're making me believe In something better
Even if the dreams I had turned into dust There's no wreckage that's too broken to rebuild The world is just as scary as I thought it was But your love makes me braver still Your love makes me braver
There is a valley Where shadows are covering everything I hold dear There in the darkness I hear you whispering I am here...
Even if the dreams I had turned into dust There's no wreckage that's too broken to rebuild The world is just as scary as I thought it was But your love makes me braver still Your love makes me braver still Your love makes me braver
For the full acoustic version go to: https://youtu.be/PyALE0lOdSs
So what’s your challenge for probable growth, your opportunity to be brave? Your test to step out in faith?
Remember no matter what the outcome, look to Jesus for His strength; His love can make you BRAVER. And one day you’ll look back on your growth with gratitude saying, “Wow. I’m getting SO Big!”
p.c. Artem Bali